Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mechanical orientation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mechanical orientation - Essay Example III (2009), he averred that â€Å"according to, a roofing nail has a diamond-shaped sharp tip to help it nail through decking without splitting it. That is why it is important to use roofing nails when doing a roofing job. Roofing nails are made of galvanized steel to protect them from the elements. When installing roofing nails always make sure the nail is flush to the shingle. A countersunk nail will rip the shingle, and a nail that is not completely nailed down will eventually work its way out† (par. 6). There are different lengths of nails to use depending on the roofing materials one is working on. For asphalt shingles, Root III indicated that â€Å"when installing asphalt shingles on felt only to any grade decking you should use 1-inch long roofing nails. When installing dimensional shingles to felt only, recommends you use 1 1/4-inch nails. If you are putting a layer of asphalt shingles over an existing layer of asphalt shingles on to a 3/4-inch deck or a plank deck then you should be using 1 1/2-inch nails. If your decking is less than 3/4 inch then a 1 1/2-inch nail will suffice. For dimensional shingles being installed over a layer of existing dimensional shingles you should always use a 1 1/2-inch roofing nail† (Root III, pars. 4 & 5). A rubber mallet is â€Å"a hammerlike tool with a head commonly of wood but occasionally of rawhide, plastic, etc., used for driving any tool with a wooden handle, as a chisel, or for striking a surface† (, par. 1). Wallender identified the following uses of a rubber mallet, to wit: â€Å"for ceramic tile, it helps gently tap tile into place; laminate flooring: great for this brittle material; tap carpeting onto tacking strips; a â€Å"sounding device† if you need to hear what is behind a wall or in a pipe; PVC pipe work; and two tight-fitting sections of drywall† (Wallender, par.1), among others. According to needs, the rubber mallet come in different types and prices, such as the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Statistics for Management Essay Example for Free

Statistics for Management Essay Q1. Define â€Å"Statistics†. What are the functions of Statistics? Distinguish between Primary data and Secondary data. Answer: Statistics: Statistics as a discipline is considered indispensable in almost all spheres of human knowledge. There is hardly any branch of study which does not use statistics. Scientific, social and economic studies use statistics in one form or another. These disciplines make-use of observations, facts and figures, enquiries and experiments etc. using statistics and statistical methods. Statistics studies almost all aspects in an enquiry. It mainly aims at simplifying the complexity of information collected in an enquiry. It presents data in asimplified form as to make them intelligible. It analyses data and facilitates drawal of conclusions. Important functions of statistics: Presents facts in simple form: Statistics presents facts and figures in a definite form. That makes the statement logical andconvincing than mere description. It condenses the whole mass of figures into a singlefigure. This makes the problem intelligible. Reduces the Complexity of data: Statistics simplifies the complexity of data. The raw data are unintelligible. We make themsimple and intelligible by using different statistical measures. Some such commonly usedmeasures are graphs, averages, dispersions, skewness, kurtosis, correlation and regressionetc. These measures help in interpretation and drawing inferences. Therefore, statisticsenables to enlarge the horizon of ones knowledge. Facilitates comparison: Comparison between different sets of observation is an important function of statistics. Comparison is necessary to draw conclusions as Professor Boddington rightly points out.† the object of statistics is to enable comparison between past and present results to ascertaint he reasons for changes, which have taken place and the effect of such changes in future. Soto determine the efficiency of any measure comparison is necessary. Statistical devices likeaverages, ratios, coefficients etc. are used for the purpose of comparison. Testing hypothesis: Formulating and testing of hypothesis is an important function of statistics. This helps indeveloping new theories. So statistics examines the truth and helps in innovating new ideas. Formulation of Policies: Statistics helps in formulating plans and policies in different fields. Statistical analysis of data forms the beginning of policy formulations. Hence, statistics is essential for planners,economists, scientists and administrators to prepare different plans and programmes. Forecasting: The future is uncertain. Statistics helps in forecasting the trend and tendencies. Statisticaltechniques are used for predicting the future values of a variable. For example a producerforecasts his future production on the basis of the present demand conditions and his pastexperiences. Similarly, the planners can forecast the future population etc. considering thepresent population trends. Derives valid inferences: Statistical methods mainly aim at deriving inferences from an e nquiry. Statistical techniques are often used by scholars’ planners and scientists to evaluate different projects. These techniques are also used to draw inferences regarding population parameters on the basis of sample information. Statistics is very helpful in the field of business, research, Education etc., some of the uses of Statistics are: Statistics helps in providing a better understanding and exact description of aphenomenon of nature. Statistics helps in proper and efficient planning of a statistical inquiry in any field of study. Statistical helps in collecting an appropriate quantitative data. Statistics helps in presenting complex data in a suitable tabular, diagrammatic andgraphic form for any easy and comprehension of the data. Statistics helps in understanding the nature and pattern of variability of aphenomenon through quantitative observations. Statistics helps in drawing valid inference, along with a measure of their reliability about the population parameters from the sample data. Any statistical data can be classified under two categories depending upon the sources utilized. These categories are, 1. Primary data 2. Secondary data Primary Data: Primary data is the one, which is collected by the investigator himself for the purpose of aspecific inquiry or study. Such data is original in character and is generated by surveyconducted by individuals or research institution or any organisation. 1.The collection of data by the method of personal survey is possible only if thearea covered by the investigator is small. Collection of data by sending theenumerator is bound to be expensive. Care should be taken twice that theenumerator record correct information provided by the informants. 2.Collection of primary data by framing a schedules or distributing and collecting questionnaires by post is less expensive and can be completed in shorter time. 3.Suppose the questions are embarrassing or of complicated nature or the questionsprobe into personnel affairs of individuals, then the schedules may not be filledwith accurate and correct information and hence this method is unsuitable 4.The information collected for primary data is mere reliable than those collectedfrom the secondary data.Importance of Primary data cannot be neglected. A research can be conducted withoutsecondary data but a research based on only secondary data is least reliable and may have biasesbecause secondary data has already been manipulated by human beings. In statistical surveys it isnecessary to get information from primary sources and work on primary data: for example, thestatistical records of female population in a country cannot be based on newspaper, magazine and other printed sources. One such sources are old and secondly they contain limitedinformation as well as they can be misleading and biased. Secondary Data: Secondary data are those data which have been already collected and analysed bysome earlier agency for its own use; and later the same data are used by a different agency. According to W.A.Neiswanger, ‘ A primary source is a publication in which the data are published by the same authority which gathered and analysed them. A secondary source is apublication, reporting the data which have been gathered by other authorities and for which others are responsible’. 1.Secondary data is cheap to obtain. Many government publications are relatively cheapand libraries stock quantities of secondary data produced by the government, bycompanies and other organizations. 2.Large quantities of secondary data can be got through internet. 3.Much of the secondary data available has been collected for many years and therefore itcan be used to plot trends. 4.Secondary data is of value to: The government help in making decisions and planning future policy. Business and industry in areas such as marketing, and sales in order to appreciate the general economic and social conditions and to provide information on competitors. Research organizations by providing social, economical and industrial information. Secondary data can be less valid but its importance is still there. Sometimes it is difficult toobtain primary data; in these cases getting information from secondary sources is easier andpossible. Sometimes primary data does not exist in such situation one has to confine the researchon secondary data. Sometimes primary data is present but the respondents are not willing toreveal it in such case too secondary data can suffice: for example, if the research is on thepsychology of transsexuals first it is difficult to find out transsexuals and second they may not bewilling to give information you want for your research, so you can collect data from books orother published sources.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Free College Admissions Essays: Describe A Person who has Influenced You :: College Admissions Essays

College Admissions : Describe A Person who has Influenced You Everyone is affected by certain events or individuals that greatly change their life. Many people have influenced me during my life. Three wonderful friends that have had a special effect on me are Robert, Tiffany and Ashley. In the four years that I have known them well, they have been my best friends, and have helped to transform me from a lonely middle school scholar into a happy senior with a decent social life. Popular wisdom has it that, "You judge a man by his friends." Earlier in my life, that would have been difficult, because I had few friends other than my cousins. I concentrated mostly on school and sports, paying little attention to life outside my studies. My high grades made me the target of torment during elementary school, the name calling: nerd, geek, and worse, was so bad that I was ostracized by some of the class, and I shielded myself by further isolation. My Middle School experience was no different. I was still a loner. All the dances passed by, and I found other, solitary ways to occupy myself. I rarely took time to hang out with fellow students during weekends or vacation time. Then came high school, and in Mrs. Krawet's Global Studies I class I sat next to this energetic guy named Robert, who joked about the no-brained teenagers working in 7-11's, made fun of the way our teacher dramatized the pronunciation of the Huang-Ho and Yangtze Rivers, and satirized the teacher's methodology of hand-signals for facts, generalizations, and cause/effect. Finding common ground in our senses of humor, and love of the TV Simpson's, we grew acquainted with each other. Later in the year we teamed up as the defense lawyers in a class mock trial in which Mao Zedong was charged with crimes against the people of China. To Mrs. Krawet's dismay, "legal wrangling" caused the mock trial to last two weeks, even though she had planned for it to take three days, until it was resolved by a split decision, with the jury voting 6 guilty and 6 innocent. More important than the result was the experience of friendship and shared learning. We each had a great deal of fun preparing questions for the witnesses and planning our cross examinations, and after the trial we remained good friends.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Comparing Jane Eyre and Yellow Wallpaper -- Comparison Compare Contras

Similarities Between Jane Eyre and Yellow Wallpaper   Ã‚   There are notable similarities between Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper and Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre. These similarities include the treatment of space, the use of a gothic tone with elements of realism, a sense of male superiority, and the mental instability of women. There is a similar treatment of space in the two works, with the larger, upstairs rooms at the summer lodging and at Thornfield Hall being associated with insanity and the smaller rooms below being safer and saner. Gilman's narrator expresses an early desire to move downstairs to a smaller, saner room, but her wish is ignored. Large rooms become haunted rooms in both stories as typified by the room with the yellow wallpaper, the Red Room, and the third floor room beyond which Bertha is confined. Both works contain gothic elements, but there is a conscious effort on the part of both narrators to dispel the gothic tone with elements of realism. Gilman's narrator begins to describe her eerie summer lodgings, but notes "there was some legal trouble with the heirs and co-heirs... That spoils my ghostliness, I am afraid" (11). Jane likewise is both affected by and resists the supernatural. For instance, she notes along with Grace Poole's fantastic laughter, her affinity for beer. However, the most notable similarity between the two works is the presence in each house of a "madwoman in the attic" (to borrow from Gilbert and Gubar). In the case of Gilman's narrator (unnamed, but with one ambiguous reference that it may be Jane) and Bertha, madness id the result of traditional Victorian marriages, from which both transgress. Clearly implied in Gilman's text and interpretable in Bronte's ... ...e Perkins. The Yellow Wallpaper. New York: Feminist Press, 1973. Golden, Catherine, ed. The Captive Imagination: A Casebook on "The Yellow Wallpaper." New York: Feminist Press, 1992. ------. "The Writing of 'The Yellow Wallpaper': A Double Palimpsest." Studies in American Fiction. 17 (1989): 193-201. Haney-Peritz, Janice. "Monumental Feminism and Literature's Ancestral House: Another Look at 'The Yellow Wallpaper'" Women's Studies. 12 (1986): 113-128. Kasmer, Lisa. "Charlotte Perkins Gilman's 'The Yellow Wallpaper': A Symptomatic Reading." Literature and Psychology. 36, (1990): 1-15. Lodge, Scott. "Fire and Eyre: Charlotte Bronte's War of Earthly Elements." The Brontes: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Ian Gregor. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1970. 110-36. Maynard, John. Charlotte Bronte and Sexuality. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1984.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Case Study †Bob Knowlton Essay

Description Bob Knowlton was recently assigned to be a project head of the new photon unit at Simmons Laboratories. He received the assignment from Dr. Jerrold, the head of the laboratory. Unbeknownst to Knowlton, Jerrold had decided to bring in another person to the project, Simon Fester. Although Fester is obviously a brilliant individual, he lacks any sort of teamwork skills and derisively says the decisions made by groups exhibit a â€Å"high level of mediocrity†. This disturbs Knowlton because he feels that group participation in the meetings with all departments yields great decisions and builds camaraderie. At a meeting between the sponsors of the research and the project heads, Fester controls the presentation and the coinciding after-meeting. Knowlton feels that Fester has taken control of his project and has started to look for positions at other companies. He tenders his resignation a few weeks later, surprising both Jerrold and Fester. Unfortunately Jerrold did not anticipate and had made plans to move Fester to another project, assuming Knowlton would continue to head up the project. Now the once promising project is in shambles with no leadership. Diagnosis Although the relationship between Jerrold and Knowlton seemed strong and they talked frequently, there was still an obvious communication disconnect between regarding Fester. Knowlton does not clearly state to Jerrold what his misgivings about Fester are. In addition, Knowlton appears not to have confidence in his abilities and basically allows Fester to run the show. Theory Knowlton believes that he â€Å"happened† into his new position and feels that he had some lucky breaks in obtaining it. Locus of control is used to explain whether or not individuals think their outcomes are controlled internally or externally (Luthan, 2011) . Knowlton is exhibiting an external locus of control since he credits his ascension to his current position as a â€Å"miracle†. This coupled with the fact that he is threatened by Fester  looking at his graphs, running his meetings, etc., shows that Knowlton does not think his ability (internal locus of control) had anything to do with his promotion. Prescription Jerrold should make an attempt to rehire Bob back into the company. He obviously faith in his abilities and needs Knowlton’s experience to run the photon project. Jerrold also needs to work with his subordinates – including Fester – on interactive communicating and teambuilding. Fallout If Jerrold is unable to convince Knowlton to return to the company, he may have to pull back Fester from his new project to run the photon project or let the latter stagnate. However, unless Fester can learn to include team members in making decisions, the project will fail due to a lack of teamwork. References Luthan, F. (2011). Advanced Organizational Behavior. : McGraw Hill.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Financial Ethics In Business

Ethics plays a major part in auditing and financial record keeping. It is the responsibility of an independent auditor to plan and perform an audit of financial statements that will provide reasonable assurance of detecting errors and irregularities that are material in nature. According to the Financial Accounting Standards Board, the essence of the concept of materiality is: â€Å"The omission or misstatement of an item in a financial report is material if, in the light of surrounding circumstances, the magnitude of the item is such that it is probable that the judgment of a reasonable person relying upon the report would have been changed or influenced by the inclusion or correction of the item.† ( Materiality is a term that is hard to quantify, and must be determined for each individual situation. Public accounting firms have established informal quantitative and qualitative measures in an attempt to establish materiality limits. These measures have been affected and enhanced by statements of the Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory agencies and professional organizations. In setting the preliminary judgment about materiality, auditors establish the maximum amount by which they believe the statements could be misstated and still not affect the decisions of reasonable users. An amount is considered material when it is one dollar more than the amount required for a user of financial statements to change their decision. Two broad types of materiality have been recognized: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative materiality is economic in nature and exclusively depends on the effect of a fact on the company’s financial performance. ( Typically, public accounting firms have established quantitative materiality thresholds, and have used specific mathematical procedures in this process. Once the effect of a fact exceeds a certain percentage or amount of the item serving as the base measur... Free Essays on Financial Ethics In Business Free Essays on Financial Ethics In Business Ethics plays a major part in auditing and financial record keeping. It is the responsibility of an independent auditor to plan and perform an audit of financial statements that will provide reasonable assurance of detecting errors and irregularities that are material in nature. According to the Financial Accounting Standards Board, the essence of the concept of materiality is: â€Å"The omission or misstatement of an item in a financial report is material if, in the light of surrounding circumstances, the magnitude of the item is such that it is probable that the judgment of a reasonable person relying upon the report would have been changed or influenced by the inclusion or correction of the item.† ( Materiality is a term that is hard to quantify, and must be determined for each individual situation. Public accounting firms have established informal quantitative and qualitative measures in an attempt to establish materiality limits. These measures have been affected and enhanced by statements of the Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory agencies and professional organizations. In setting the preliminary judgment about materiality, auditors establish the maximum amount by which they believe the statements could be misstated and still not affect the decisions of reasonable users. An amount is considered material when it is one dollar more than the amount required for a user of financial statements to change their decision. Two broad types of materiality have been recognized: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative materiality is economic in nature and exclusively depends on the effect of a fact on the company’s financial performance. ( Typically, public accounting firms have established quantitative materiality thresholds, and have used specific mathematical procedures in this process. Once the effect of a fact exceeds a certain percentage or amount of the item serving as the base measur... Free Essays on Financial Ethics In Business Ethics plays a major part in auditing and financial record keeping. It is the responsibility of an independent auditor to plan and perform an audit of financial statements that will provide reasonable assurance of detecting errors and irregularities that are material in nature. According to the Financial Accounting Standards Board, the essence of the concept of materiality is: â€Å"The omission or misstatement of an item in a financial report is material if, in the light of surrounding circumstances, the magnitude of the item is such that it is probable that the judgment of a reasonable person relying upon the report would have been changed or influenced by the inclusion or correction of the item.† ( Materiality is a term that is hard to quantify, and must be determined for each individual situation. Public accounting firms have established informal quantitative and qualitative measures in an attempt to establish materiality limits. These measures have been affected and enhanced by statements of the Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory agencies and professional organizations. In setting the preliminary judgment about materiality, auditors establish the maximum amount by which they believe the statements could be misstated and still not affect the decisions of reasonable users. An amount is considered material when it is one dollar more than the amount required for a user of financial statements to change their decision. Two broad types of materiality have been recognized: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative materiality is economic in nature and exclusively depends on the effect of a fact on the company’s financial performance. ( Typically, public accounting firms have established quantitative materiality thresholds, and have used specific mathematical procedures in this process. Once the effect of a fact exceeds a certain percentage or amount of the item serving as the base measur...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Power and Authority. essays

Power and Authority. essays A simple definition of power could be the ability both to demand that people do something, and to say how a thing should be done or organised. Authority, however, is where power is granted by consent; and when an individual or committee is said to have authority, the reason that justifies this authority is known as legitimacy. In general, the government has authority because it has legitimacy through: tradition, as Parliament has existed for hundreds of years; charisma, as many people may follow present PM Tony Blair through the strength and attraction of his personality; and democratically through the people, as they vote in elections for the MP or party they wish to form the government. An example of an organisation that has power but not necessarily authority would be the Mafia, which exercise their power by sometimes using violence and force, or money, status, education or sex. In Liberal Democracies such as the UK, power is split into three types: legislative power, which is the power to make laws; executive power, which is the power to implement laws; and judicial power, which is the power to interpret laws. The two concepts of power and authority can be understood in different ways, for example Steven Luke's three faces of power or Max Weber's three types of authority. The nature, sources, and limitations of political authority and power have been much debated questions since the time of the ancient Greeks. These two sociologist's theories discuss the concepts of power and authority in three stages; Weber distinguished three main modes of claiming legitimacy, and Lukes derived a definition of power in three stages. Max Weber, whose study took place in the 19th century, decided that authority was split into three types: charismatic authority, traditional authority, and rational - legal authority. The first type, charismatic authority rests on the appeal of leaders who claim allegiance because of their extraordinary virtuosit...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Alexander the Great, Greek Military Leader

Alexander the Great, Greek Military Leader Alexander the Great was the son of King Philip II of Macedonia and one of his wives, Olympias, a daughter of the non-Macedonian King Neoptolemus I of Epirus. At least, thats the conventional story. As a great hero, there are other more miraculous versions of the conception. Name:  Alexander III of MacedonDates:  c. 20 July 356 B.C. - 10 June 323.Place of Birth and Death:  Pella and BabylonDates of Rule:  336-323Parents:  Philip II of Macedonia and OlympiasOccupation:  Ruler and military leader Alexander was born around July 20, 356 B.C. Being non-Macedonian made Olympias status lower than the Macedonian woman Philip later married. As a result, there was much conflict between Alexanders parents. As a Youth Alexander was tutored by Leonidas (possibly his uncle) and the great Greek philosopher Aristotle. During his youth, Alexander showed great observational powers when he tamed the wild horse Bucephalus. In 326, when his beloved horse died, he renamed a city in India/Pakistan, on the banks of the Hydaspes (Jhelum) river, for Bucephalus. Our image of Alexander is youthful because that is how his official portraits depict  him. See Photos of Alexander the Great in Art. As Regent In 340 B.C., while his father Philip went off to fight rebels, Alexander was made regent in Macedonia. During his regency, the Maedi of northern Macedonia revolted. Alexander put down the revolt and renamed their city after himself.  In 336 after his father was assassinated, he became ruler of Macedonia. The Gordian Knot One legend about Alexander the Great is that when he was in Gordium, Turkey, in 333, he undid the Gordian Knot. This knot had been tied by the legendary, fabulously wealthy King Midas. The prophecy about the Gordian knot was that the person who untied it would rule all of Asia. Alexander the Great is said to have undone the Gordian Knot not by unraveling it, but by slashing through it with a sword. Major Battles Battle of the Granicus - 334 B.C. (western Turkey) against Persian satraps with Greek mercenaries.Battle of Issus - 333 B.C. (Hatay province of Turkey) against King Darius of Persia.Battle of Gaugamela - 331 B.C. (northern Iraq) against King Darius of Persia.Battle of the Hydaspes (Jhelum) - 326 B.C. (northern Punjab, in modern Pakistan) against King Poros, who ruled a small kingdom, but had war elephants. Near the end of Alexanders expansion. (Although Alexander had intended to go further, and was soon thwarted by his own men, he thought he was near the edge of the earth.) Death In 323, Alexander the Great returned to Babylonia where he became ill suddenly and died. The cause of his death is unknown. It could have been disease or poison. It might have had to do with a wound inflicted in India. Alexanders successors were the Diadochi Wives Alexander the Greats wives were, first, Roxane (327), and then, Statiera/Barsine, and Parysatis. When, in 324, he married Stateira, daughter of Darius, and Parysatis, daughter of Artaxerxes III, he did not repudiate the Sogdian princess Roxane. The wedding ceremony took place in Susa and at the same time, Alexanders friend Hephaestion married Drypetis, Stateiras sister. Alexander provided dowries so that 80 of his companions could also marry noble Iranian women. Reference: Pierre Briants  Alexander the Great and His Empire. Children Herakles, son of Alexanders wife/mistress Barsine [Sources: Alexander the Great and His Empire, by Pierre Briant and Alexander the Great, by Philip Freeman]Alexander IV, son of Roxane Both children were killed before they reached adulthood. Source: Alexander the Great- Children Alexander the Great Quizzes Why Did Alexander Burn Persepolis QuizAlexander the Great Quiz I - The Early YearsAlexander the Great Quiz II - From Empire-Building to Death Other Articles on Alexander the Great What Color Was Alexanders Hair?Was Alexander the Great a Greek?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Motive and Murder Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Motive and Murder - Research Paper Example The physical evidence collected from the crime scene led the police to suspect O. J. Simpson who was ex-husband of Nicole Brown. They have divorced two years back. There were also incidents of domestic violence, which Nicole Brown informed to her family, and also to the police. Nicole’s Brown also blamed O. J. Simpson for killing Brown (Hunt, 1999). As far as Ronald Goldman was concerned, he just came for returning sunglasses of Nicole Brown’s mother, Juditha Brown who left them on a restaurant table. Ronald Goldman was a waiter at the restaurant, Mezzaluna Trattoria in Los Angeles (Linder, 2000). The case is still unsolved because O. J. Simpson, against whom all the evidence are obtained, has attained the services of influential defense team who have proved all the evidences as framed against Simpson. The investigative team relied on some proofs that they collected from the crime scene in order to convict O. J. Simpson for murdering his ex-wife and the waiter. Mueller (1996) informed that the investigators depended on three sorts of proofs. The first proof to analyze Simpson, being an important suspect, was his motivation for committing the murder. As per Simpson’s statement, he never wanted them to get divorced as he said, â€Å"I loved her, I didnt want us to separate† (Vannatter, 1994) but, he also realized that their relationship had been ‘a problem relationship’ (Vannatter, 1994). However, he was not happy for his separation. They broke their relationship for the second time. Afterwards, they got divorced. They also thought about some reconciliation and had tried it to work out for them, but they failed (Mueller, 1996). Simpson in his statement informed about his relationship, â€Å"we both knew it wasnt working† (Vannatter, 1994). Mueller ( 1996) also informed that Nicole Brown returned his ‘birthday gift’ and when they were at the dance recital for their daughter, Sydney, Brown excluded him from the family circle and also from the

Friday, October 18, 2019

World War ll Through the1970's Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

World War ll Through the1970's - Essay Example These decades witnessed widespread economic and political changes, which shaped America’s gender dynamics and civil rights conditions. Though there are numerous major events during this time, this paper focuses on the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan and Rosa Park’s refusal to give up her bus seat for a white man. This paper reviews several important historical landmarks and their effects on modern American society, economy, politics, and culture. It also explores America’s reluctance to join World War II, the role that women played to win World War II, changes in civil rights after World War II, the effect of the Vietnam War on the political awareness of American youth, and the impact of President Johnson’s â€Å"Great Society† program on modern times. These events demonstrated that World War II and other influential individuals helped promote social inequity, as well as economic and political development, in America.... Wars cost millions to billions of dollars, not counting the lives lost in the process, so Americans thought it best not to engage in a new war, as it dabs on its economic and psychological post-World War I wounds. World War II depicted the military and technological skills of the U.S., specifically after it dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, because it not only ended this war, but sealed the fate of the U.S. as the new superpower of the world. On August 6, 1945, the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, and on August 9, another bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. On August 15, Japan surrendered to the Allies and signed the Instrument of Surrender on September 2, which officially ended World War II. The bombings resulted in post-war agreements that banned nuclear armament development. Scholars disagree on whether the atomic bombs truly forced Japan to hastily capitulate to the Allies, although the Office of the Historian (2012) and Freedman and Dockrill (2004) argued that these bombs shocked Japan into surrendering. The effects of the atomic bombing affected how Americans see nuclear weapons. For some Americans, the destruction of Japan through the atomic bombs sparked fear, not only against nuclear proliferation, but also against the media and the government, who have been increasingly charged of manipulating facts to support their political agenda (Jowett & O’Donnell, 2012, p.171). Despite the social pattern of distrust, it cannot be denied that World War II boosted the economy of the U.S. During the war, federal spending increased by $72 billion (Schug et al., 1993, p.192). Industries related to the war flourished, including steel, aluminum, copper, and rubber industries.

Current Pop Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Current Pop Culture - Essay Example The current pop culture exercises its control over the thought of the people by generating the aspect of â€Å"opinion† through mass media. That is to say it becomes an artistic expression of the people, thus creating solidarity, as Kidd (2007) explains (Fedorak 3). To enhance the role played by pop culture in the lives of the people, I would undertake the examples from television and film fraternity. The television series The Sex and the City and the film The Hunger Games, both adapted from the book series, not only explain the blatant influence created by the pop culture, but also cover the wide genre of pop culture, namely literature and technology, in order to generate a striking effect on the mass consumption. The Sex and the City (1988-2004) is generally applauded for showing the prevalent theme of individualism and the society that rules our lives. It features single women as strong, honest, independent and happy, who are striving to find their individual identity in th e facets of societal foundations. The show is regarded as a post feminist exploration of single women living in New York City. It is a show about women and their friendships, their sex lives and their experiences. It is perhaps because of the issues like identity, the relation between an individual and society, and the underlying theme of sexual sovereignty that The Sex and the City can be used as the foremost example in explaining the workings of the pop culture. The protagonist Carrie Bradshaw is a sex columnist for the fictional paper The New York Star; it is through the lens of her columns that each episode is shaped. This characterization is quite important for the consumer. He meets an individual who is not only a strong, independent woman with a critical point of view, but also a sex columnist discussing sex lives of women, thus claiming sexual sovereignty. Her honesty and imperfection highlight the general thought of the public that make them identify with her. Other female characters, Miranda, a cynical attorney, asserts her independence as a woman reconciling with her motherhood and her marriage; Charlotte, a hopeless romantic lives in a world of fairy tales but eventually realizes the stark distinction between fantasy and reality; and Samantha, the self-proclaimed sex- loving, hyper sexualized old woman dealing with her state of menopause, different yet embodiment of feminism, gives a glimpse of different shades of a modern woman. They are reflection of an era where women were exercising control over their lives without the male interference. They highlight the concept of choice where an independent woman is free from the bounds of motherhood and marriage, where parents are never seen and the family mentioned is of female friendship, thus highlighting the notion of pop culture as an indicator of shared value. The Hunger Games (2012) is the most recent example of human identity being shaped by the interplay of media and individual choice in construct ing personality. It showcases the tenuous division between reality and fabrication through a violent competition in which children and teens are

Thursday, October 17, 2019

General Systems Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

General Systems Theory - Essay Example Thus Soft Systems Methodology is more holistic in comparison with the conventional approach. It understands the features and the systems associated with the problem environment and use this understanding to tackle problem situations. 2. Issues around models vs empirical reality, and what is meant by the term â€Å"human activity systems†. Does he use the term differently from Checkland? The concept of human activity system is based on the assumption that real life problems situations arise as a consequence of a human action which is perceived to be meaningful. According to Checkland, the human activity systems are defined according to the meaning that the observer connects with the human action. However, the paper states that this approach is wrong. This approach limits the scope of modeling a human action based on a certain perspective. The same model would go wrong with people looking at the same action at a different perspective. Checkland used the term Weltanschauung to ex plain the perspective which makes a particular perspective meaningful. The article argues that a model which combines human activity systems and Weltanschauung of the observer can only properly explain a real life human activity. 3. The process of inquiry and models of SSM. Which of these models might be useful for the GST systems project? The process of inquiry includes five steps. The first is to have an investigation on the situation and have intuitive information on the situation. Second step is to name specific ideas within the situation which is relevant to understand the situation. Thirdly, formalize the ideas into models. The fourth step is to compare the formalized models with the features of the situation. The last step is evaluating the attitude towards the situation based on the new formalized model from the process of inquiry 4. â€Å"Problem solving† vs â€Å"changing a problem situation† ? what is the difference? Problem solving is the convention manager ial approach of formalizing systems in order to attain the achieved objectives of a system being in a problem context. Changing a problem situation involves intervention in creating a model helping the actors in a situation to understand the problem situation in such a way that they can intervene to tackle the situation. ? Concern seems to be shifted towards process issues – is this reasonable? By what viewpoints? The focus of Soft Systems Methodology is on changing the mechanisms associated with the problem and not on finding specific solution to the problem. Thus the approach would identify issues in these mechanisms which could be a part of the process. Thus in the Soft Systems Methodology the concern shifts towards process issues. This is quite reasonable as the conventional method limits in developing formalities so as to solve the problem where as SSM offers holistic change in the processes which in turn would offer sustainable development in the systems. Week 10 What b enefits did the use of SSM bring to this review (benefits that would not have been evident if another approach was used)? When Eva’s reorganization project was planned, its scope was limited to the Information systems department with the Information Department. The research department was out of the problem situa

Oral pathology related to thyroid disorder Research Paper

Oral pathology related to thyroid disorder - Research Paper Example In the event that a suspicion of thyroid malady emerges for an undiagnosed patient, all elective dental treatment ought to be put on hold until a complete restorative assessment is performed. Hypothyroidism is characterized by a reduction in thyroid hormone generation and thyroid gland capacity. Adolescence hypothyroidism known as cretinism is portrayed by thick lips, vast jutting tongue (macroglossia), malocclusion and deferred emission of teeth. Hyperthyroidism is a condition brought on by unregulated generation of thyroid hormones. The oral appearances of thyrotoxicosis, incorporates expanded helplessness to caries, periodontal malady, augmentation of extra glandular thyroid tissue (for the most part in the sidelong back tongue), maxillary or mandibular osteoporosis, quickened dental emission and blazing mouth disorder. Dental treatment adjustments may be fundamental for dental patients who are under restorative administration and catch up for a thyroid condition regardless of the fact that there are no co-horrible conditions. The thyroid gland is a bilobular structure that lies on other side of the trachea. Thyroid brokenness is the second most normal glandular disorder of the endocrine framework and is expanding, overwhelmingly among ladies. Up to 5% of the female populace has adjustments in thyroid capacity, and up to 6% may have clinically discernible thyroid knobs on palpation. An expected 15% of the all inclusive community has anomalies of thyroid anatomy on physical examination, and an obscure rate of these doesn’t finish a symptomatic assessment. It has been proposed that the quantity of individuals influenced may be twice the same number of as the undetected cases. This implies patients with undiagnosed hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism are seen in the dental seat, where routine treatment can possibly bring about unfavourable results (Malamed, 2006). The oral human services proficient ought to be acquainted with the oral and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

General Systems Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

General Systems Theory - Essay Example Thus Soft Systems Methodology is more holistic in comparison with the conventional approach. It understands the features and the systems associated with the problem environment and use this understanding to tackle problem situations. 2. Issues around models vs empirical reality, and what is meant by the term â€Å"human activity systems†. Does he use the term differently from Checkland? The concept of human activity system is based on the assumption that real life problems situations arise as a consequence of a human action which is perceived to be meaningful. According to Checkland, the human activity systems are defined according to the meaning that the observer connects with the human action. However, the paper states that this approach is wrong. This approach limits the scope of modeling a human action based on a certain perspective. The same model would go wrong with people looking at the same action at a different perspective. Checkland used the term Weltanschauung to ex plain the perspective which makes a particular perspective meaningful. The article argues that a model which combines human activity systems and Weltanschauung of the observer can only properly explain a real life human activity. 3. The process of inquiry and models of SSM. Which of these models might be useful for the GST systems project? The process of inquiry includes five steps. The first is to have an investigation on the situation and have intuitive information on the situation. Second step is to name specific ideas within the situation which is relevant to understand the situation. Thirdly, formalize the ideas into models. The fourth step is to compare the formalized models with the features of the situation. The last step is evaluating the attitude towards the situation based on the new formalized model from the process of inquiry 4. â€Å"Problem solving† vs â€Å"changing a problem situation† ? what is the difference? Problem solving is the convention manager ial approach of formalizing systems in order to attain the achieved objectives of a system being in a problem context. Changing a problem situation involves intervention in creating a model helping the actors in a situation to understand the problem situation in such a way that they can intervene to tackle the situation. ? Concern seems to be shifted towards process issues – is this reasonable? By what viewpoints? The focus of Soft Systems Methodology is on changing the mechanisms associated with the problem and not on finding specific solution to the problem. Thus the approach would identify issues in these mechanisms which could be a part of the process. Thus in the Soft Systems Methodology the concern shifts towards process issues. This is quite reasonable as the conventional method limits in developing formalities so as to solve the problem where as SSM offers holistic change in the processes which in turn would offer sustainable development in the systems. Week 10 What b enefits did the use of SSM bring to this review (benefits that would not have been evident if another approach was used)? When Eva’s reorganization project was planned, its scope was limited to the Information systems department with the Information Department. The research department was out of the problem situa

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Compare the relative qualities and characteristics of Modular Essay

Compare the relative qualities and characteristics of Modular Information Systems against Integrated Software Systems in respect - Essay Example This information is produced to meet a business objective and it is valuable to the company. Information system is a set of elements which collect data, process and give the output data and information (Sommerville 2010). Business information systems are used by businesses and organizations for storing, processing and analysing data. The information systems are useful to the organizations since they enable the employees to recognize new patterns and relationships in the stored data. This enables the companies to make important decisions which ensure that the organization gains a competitive advantage in the market. The information systems ensure that the organizations activities are conducted efficiently and reliably and this improves the overall performance of the business. There are different types of information systems and this leads to variations in the functionalities of business systems. Computer systems are software programs that are developed to capture, store and manipulate data. There are different types of computer systems in the market and this depends mostly on the functionality of the software (Ajmani 2004). There are different processes of developing software programs and this result to different software products with different characteristics. The process of developing that system is crucial to the functionality of the systems. Modular information systems are comprised of different modules that are connected together. The development of this system is done by partitioning the overall system into distinct parts known as modules. The modules have different functionalities and are developed independently. This type of development is preferred by organizations which have different functionalities and require detailed processes in the software systems. The modules are then integrated to form one huge system which can be used by an organization to conduct its business activities. Integrated software systems are developed as single units and the func tionality of the system is achieved by the whole system. Most of the integrated software systems are off-the shelf systems which are bought directly from the software dealers (Bass,et al., 2008). The functionality of the system meets the requirements of the organization and there is no need for gathering specific requirements of the organization. Modular information systems are flexible. This is because it is possible to replace or add one component to the system without affecting the other rest of the system. This is useful in organizations that are involved in many activities which are dynamic (Clements and Kazman 2008). The new activities that are carried out by an organization might require the development of a new system to meet the functionality required by the organization. Organizations which have modular systems can easily integrate new modules to meet their requirements. This is effective as there is little interruption to the business activities since one module is only a ffected. Integrated systems might result to the disruption of the whole system as new functionalities to the existing systems cannot be added without affecting all the system processes. The modular information systems perform better than integrated systems. The modular systems are developed from requirements that have been gathered from the organization. This ensures that the system is developed to perform better in the

Ethics of Designer Babies Essay Example for Free

Ethics of Designer Babies Essay I believe that it is unacceptable to reproduce genetically designed babies, unless it is to prevent disease or disability. Genetically designing babies can be used in many different ways. You can choose their hair and eye color, their IQ, and their special talents. People are beginning to predispose their children to be whatever they think they should be. Some want their children to be superstar athletes, while others want the next Beethoven. Others want their children to be just as they are. A deaf lesbian couple wanted to have a deaf child. Their friend donated the sperm and they asked the geneticists if it were possible to create a deaf child. A few months later, the child was born as a fully deaf baby. I believe that it is wrong to intentionally harm a fetus by giving them a disability or disease. It prevents them from living a fully functional life. If a couple were to research or visit a gene therapist, and they determined if the couple were to have a male child, the child would most definitely be born with a heart defect and would only live a few years, but if they had a female child that she would be perfectly healthy, then it is okay to provide the family security by enabling them to have a female child. By doing this, they are preventing a disability or disease. If the couple has four boys and intentionally says â€Å" If I am having a male, I want an abortion. † then that is completely immoral. In one book, Choosing Children, It asks the question: â€Å"People use antenatal or pre-implantation genetic diagnosis to have a child without disability. Is this a form of eugenics? Is it a part of a slide toward what the Nazi’s did? † . I believe that it is a form of eugenics. We are bettering the society by providing fully functional human beings. Nazi’s weren’t trying to prevent a disease or disability, they were worried about the physical features of the Jewish descent. Another book, Disability and Genetic Choice, asked if it were okay to have a Down Syndrome test. I believe that it is okay to have the testing as long as it is not the determining factor in terminating a pregnancy. This gives the parent(s) a chance to prepare themselves and be educated or give them a chance to arrange an adoption. I draw the line of designing babies at preventing disability. It is unnecessary to chose a babies hair or eye color. Just because they have a certain hair or eye color does not mean that they will be treated or act differently in society. Every genetic change has a downside, so while creating a child that is an athlete by making their uscles work harder, it is causing their heart to weaken a lot faster than someone who was not â€Å"designed†. Genetically â€Å"strengthening† babies can provide a family with a piece of mind that they will have a healthy child. Although many people want to chose how their children may look or act, having a healthy, functioning, strong child will triumph over how they may look or act. Before one thought that he could genetically design a child, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) came about. IVF then paved the way for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and preimplantation genetic selection (PGS). PGD is the process in which the doctors screen the embryos to see if any genetic disorders are present. Many of the disorders that are screened are life changing, disabling conditions. PGS is the process in which they â€Å"hand pick† the embryo without any genetic disorders and implant it back into the mother. This is the first red flag many people see in how genetically designed babies came about. This may be the only (mostly) uncontroversial part of genetics and IVF. The only ones who criticize this are those who believe that life starts at contraception. I believe that this is okay to do since it promotes bettering ones life, but this is where the line should be drawn. Another technique that is often used along with this is gender selection. The only reason I believe that it is morally correct to choose a baby’s gender is preventing disease. For example, if all the women in the family die from breast cancer, or cervical cancer by the age of 40, then it is morally acceptable to want to increase the chances of having a male child. If the only reason one wants to have a certain gendered child is for convenience then it is unacceptable. Also along these lines comes having a child to better another child’s life. Like in the book, My Sisters Keeper, the older sister was dying from a rare cancer, and the parents only choice to keep her alive was to have another child to use as â€Å"spare parts†. I believe that this is done with good intention, but it is not ethical. An article, Designer Babies: Eugenics Repackaged or Consumer Options, discusses one child being sick and his brother gave him his red blood cells before he was even born, and the sick brother was cured. They questioned this process: â€Å"Is this the beginning of a slippery slope toward â€Å"designer† or â€Å"spare parts† babies, or is the result that there are now two happy, healthy children instead of one very sick child a justification to pursue and continue procedures such as this one? †. This is the exact question I would expect anyone to ask. Although there are miracles, and high percentage rates that if a child would receive particular â€Å"parts† from a sibling then they can be cured, but there are mistakes and the unfortunate occasions where it does not work. This puts the healthy child at risk and causes them to go through unnecessary pain. I believe that the risks may outweigh the benefits in many cases. The child conceived or â€Å"designed† to better the other child’s life is just as much human as the sick `child, therefore, it is their human right that they shall be treated just as any other human being. The other ethical position would likely believe that it is the parents choice to do as they please, in means, to their children. The article The art of medicine: Designer Babies: choosing our children’s genes, discusses the absurdity of the parents to not want the best for their children. This is shown in the following statement from the article: â€Å" †¦. That is exactly what parents are supposed to do. To get our children to be healthy, well mannered, intellectually curious, and well behaved, we control what they eat, have them vaccinated, teach them manners, read to them, and discipline them when they misbehave. It would be absurd for a parent to say, I never attempt to influence my childrens development. I just love them for who they are. Thus, it is not influencing our childrens traits that is objectionable, but rather the means to accomplish this, that is, choosing their genes. † . This statement is true, in fact, its absolutely correct for one to think in this manner. But it is the lengths that parents go to ensure that their child will be perfect that is unethical. Although parents should shape their child’s live to be well behaved, healthy, and curious, it is up to the children to decide who they would like to be, and not be predisposed to be something in particular. The topic is so controversial, the same article that believes it is ethical to genetically design babies, The art of medicine: Designer Babies: choosing our children’s genes stated that: â€Å"A more serious objection stems from the idea that people who want to choose, in advance, the traits their child will have, and are willing to spend so much money to get a child with certain traits, demonstrate a kind of desire for perfectionism that seems incompatible with being a good parent. An insistence on having a child of a certain sort, whether a musician or an athlete or a politician, amounts to parental tyranny. †. This is also true, the idea that a parent would spend significant amounts of money to sustain perfection is ridiculous. Parents have the right to want their children to be almost â€Å"perfect† but it is their job to teach them the right way to live. By spending all of their money to ensure perfection, they are almost cheating at being a parent. Another objection to â€Å"designer babies† would be genetically designing perfect children can create a social gap in society. The art of medicine: Designer Babies: choosing our children’s genes stated that: â€Å"†¦this would exacerbate social differences and the gap between rich and poor. I seriously doubt that genetic interventions would have more of an influence than existing causes of inequality, such as rotten neighborhoods and lousy schools. In any event, prebirth genetic enhancement could be used to combat social inequality, by giving children from disadvantaged backgrounds a leg up. †. How would you tell a child the reason they aren’t as smart or as attractive as some of the other children is that they don’t have special enough blood or genes? There is already enough separation in our society. Not only rich and poor, but jocks, musicians, geeks, race, sexuality and many other groups also exist in schools. How would one like to hear of one of the new cliches in school, the â€Å"enhanced children†? I can’t imagine how it would feel to be one of the children whose parents couldn’t afford to have them â€Å"custom made†. Eventually weak and poor individuals would be terminated using this new technology. Weak children would all eventually be used as spare parts to the sick children that have been genetically designed. Parents would have children just to benefit an already existing child, and once the child was cured, the spare parts child would not have any use. Parenting would also be a thing of the past. Parents wouldn’t have to worry about teaching their children the correct ways to function in society, their children would already be predisposed to be perfect and act the correct ways. Instead of moving forward in society and technology, technically we are reverting back to the days of Hitler. Hitler terminated all the individuals that he believed were lesser human beings. The act of Hitler terminating Jewish descent individuals and the act of genetically designing babies is all in the search for perfection -the perfect human being.

Monday, October 14, 2019

International retailer enter Indian market

International retailer enter Indian market INTRODUCTION Today retail is no more restricted to just selling goods to consumer. It is worlds largest private industry with the sales of US$ 6.6 trillion. (McKinsey Global Institute Report, 2001)Cox R and Brittain P (2004) gave the modern definition of retailing as Retailing is the sale of goods and services to the ultimate consumer for personal, family or household use. In UK retail sector is the second largest employer, contributes 23% in GDP and accounts for the 35% of consumer expenditure. (Cox R and Brittain P, 2004) The sector seems to be mature in UK. But there are few emerging markets in which retail sector is still in its growth phase. One of them is Retail Sector of India. AIM AND OBJECTIVES Aim: To determine the barriers for an international retailer like PRIMARK to enter Indian Market and to find out the suitable marketing policies depending upon the problems they might face. Rationale: Until the fall of communism the countries in the world were divided in to two types- communists and capitalists; depending upon the economical system they had adopted. But there were few newly Independent countries which adopted the mixed type of economy. As the strength of capitalism was proved all the economies tend towards it. Still there are countries like India which are conserved in nature. Route of entering the Indian Market is still full of hurdles for any foreign investor. But the challenge is acceptable because at the end of the route there is a huge market with millions of potential consumers. Objectives: Analysing the potential of Indian Retail sector, market requirements and risks involved. Review the policies of Indian government about Foreign Direct Investment in retail sector. Review how other companies have entered Indian Market. E.g. M S, Wal-Mart, Woolworths etc. Review PRIMARKS mission, vision, operation strategy and marketing policies. Study how PRIMARK has entered in other countries. Learning few appropriate strategies and marketing policies which PRIMARK can adopt to make a successful entry in India. LITERATURE REVIEW International Retailing: Two sets of factors can make a domestic retailer go international. First is push factors which includes saturation of the domestic market, recession and planning restrictions. The other set of factor is known as pull factors which is nothing but market attractiveness for the foreign retailer. It consists of falling barriers to market entry, supplier strategy, strategic alliances, emerging markets, changing consumer taste, economies of scale. But as the venture involves huge investment various strategic methods are used reduce the risk. Thus market research followed by the deciding upon entering strategy such as acquisition or joint venture etc. would be the most suitable path for any retailer. (Cox R and Brittain P, 2004) Indian Retail Sector An Opportunity: The time when developed economies are facing recession, two countries are balancing world economic growth, one of them is India. Indias GDP growth was 9.4% in 2007. According to McKinsey report there are 12 m retail outlets in India. Most of them are small and unorganised, but contributes 6% in GDP. (McKinsey Global Institute Report, 2001)The Indian Organised and Modern Retail Market is only 9% of total retail industry, which too low compared to western world (65% in USA) as well as other Asian countries. (Appendix 1) Thus the sector as such is underdeveloped. Indias Favourable demography, availability of the disposable income with young generation and stability due to vibrant democracy are other advantages for any foreign investors. (Country Profile 2007 India) Report by McKinsey also suggests if the government become a bit liberal and bureaucracy is reduced then the productivity of retail sector would increase by two and half times (250%) and wo uld create 8 million jobs. (McKinsey Global Institute Report, 2001) Market potential can be further back up by study of Kearney A. T. (2006) about Global Retail Development Index. Understanding Indian Consumer: India is a huge country with varied consumer pool. Supporting to the view Ramamurthy K and Naikare A (2007) from Synovate Business consulting says, The Indian market shows differences in consumer behaviour from one region to another in terms of usage, preference, brands, tastes etc. Advocating to the point Mr. Biyani simplify it as, Indian Consumers, unlike people elsewhere, demand ideas and solutions that are uniquely Indian. Mr. Kishore Biyani (CEO, Future Group and Managing Director of Pantaloon Retail, India) Thus any international retailer planning to enter the Indian market would have to consider the same for planning the marketing strategies. Indian modern retailers are attracting only one stratum of people, which includes educated urban Indians, but those which are having the lower purchasing power especially people from sectors such as plumbing, carpentry etc. are often neglected. On January 26, 2006 Big Bazaar announced a Lowest Price Day to attract the later segment. (Biyani K, 2007) So it means there is a GAP in the retail segment which is attractive and can be exploited. The dissertation would evaluate the suitability of marketing strategies, product range etc. for retailer to enter India. Indian Government Policies for Foreign Investor: Foreign company intended to do business in India can follow one of the three routes as explained by Titus and Co., Advocates (2007) Open A liaison office Set up a branch office Incorporate a company If the company wish to set up its own permanent unit in India then it has to follow the third path. But then depending on the sector company can have Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS) or Joint Venture (JV). (Titus and Co., Advocates 2007) India has not completely opened the retail sector for foreign investors and the liberalisation is proceeding gradually. Till 2006 the only route for FDI in retails was Franchisee. Government then allowed 51% FDI in single brand retailing. (Country Profile 2007 India) But the retail distribution is still forbidden. (Appendix 2) Along with these ownership policies, India is ranked higher in putting barriers such as discriminatory procedures, tariffs and regulatory barriers on Foreign Investment. The other hurdle for entering Indian market is various barriers to entrepreneurship. Though India has reduced the legal barriers such as getting license or permit it has not reduced the administrative burdens on new entrepreneur. (OECD Economic Survey India, p. 91, 92) For investing in single brand retail sector an investor has to take an approval from SIA (Secretariat for Industrial Assistance), the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi. (Titus and Co., Advocates, 2007) The dissertation would study the regulations of Indian Government for foreign retailer. Entry of Foreign Retailers in India: Retail market potential of India has lured many foreign investors to enter Indian market by various means. The dissertation will analyse the strategies used by them to enter India. Wal-Mart entered wholesale business in India through joint venture with Bharti Enterprises. Bharti-Wal-Mart is panning to open many cash and carry shops by 2015. (The Economist, August 9, 2007) Auchan International SA from France is having regional purchasing and liaison office in India. Cargill India Pvt. Ltd. well known USA based company have launched NatureFresh brand of Atta (wheat floor), refined oil, salt, branded rice etc. Mc Donalds Restaurant has joint venture with Cannaught Plaza Restaurants Pvt. Ltd. to operate in Delhi, Jaipur and Mathura region. (Source: Foreign Companies In India Yearbook 2007) Dairy Farm International Holding Ltd. of Hong Kong along with Food World Supermarkets Ltd. (India) in a joint venture has opened 89 retail shops in India. Procter and Gamble Hygiene and Healthcare Ltd. (USA) have launched consumer and health care products in India. In the project 35% investment is from Indian Share holders and 65% is from Procter and Gamble Company and Procter and Gamble Home Products Ltd. Marks and Spencer c/o Planet Sports Pvt. Ltd. is having 14 retail outlets and distribution network in Delhi, Mumbai, Haidrabad, Jaipur, and Pune etc. in India. (Source: Foreign Companies In India Yearbook 2007) Marks and Spencer has re-entered Indian Retail Market together with Reliance Industries (India). In a joint venture Marks and Spencer is having 51% ownership. Duo is planning to open 50 shops in near future. (Hall J, April 19, 2008) Failure: There are few examples of failure as well. Few organisations have withdrawn their interest in entering Indian market. E.g. Carrefour and Tesco went out of the negotiation for joint venture in India. Starbucks after getting to disapprovals from the Government of India pull out two proposals for franchise. Metro (German Retailer) enter wholesale business in India but since then it has engaged in solving the dispute with state government of Karnataka as state law does not allow Metro to sell agricultural products. (The Economist, August 9, 2007) The dissertation would make an attempt to investigate the reasons behind those failures. Review of PRIMARK: Associated British Food the parent company of PRIMARK opened its first value clothing store in Dublin in 1969. Since then it has opened 177 stores in Ireland (trade with brand name Penneys), Spain and UK. ( The retailer targets the age group o to 35 and especially women customers by providing good quality fashionable cloths at reasonable price. The retail chain basically became popular because of its value for money price. The major strategies of the company involve, Bulk production, Simple to produce designs and Production of only popular sizes. (Atherton J, 2008) The company also deals directly with the producer and there is no intermediate in between and thus avoid huge overhead costs. PRIMARK also does not spend much on advertisements and believes Word of Mouth is the most effective way of advertising. PRIMARK became the member of Ethical Trading Initiative in October 2006 along with the Marks and Spencer, Nike, Gap and Levis. (Staff Induction Handbook, Primark). The PRIMARK is currently operating in Ireland, UK, and Spain. It is expanding internationally and further planning to move in to Portugal and Germany. PRIMARK is selling the similar stock in all countries. It is not favourable for any organisation if they had to change a lot while going international. According to Gavin George from Ernst and Young, Emerging markets offer exciting growth prospects, while many European markets have high spending, but relatively weak competition. Primark will be in an interesting place in Germany because while there is an extensive value clothing proposition there are not so many fashion-oriented players. (McAllister D, 2008) The compatibility of PRIMARK with Indian Consumer and Government would be analysed to find out the appropriate way for entering India. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY Research design is the general plan to conduct the research. Saunders et. al. (2007) compares it with onion. The first layer of an onion is deciding upon the Philosophy of research, then the approach, strategy and at the core of an onion lie the data collection and data analysis. Research Philosophy: The research philosophy adopted by the researcher defines the further path he would follow. The problem stated as a topic in this piece of research proposal is practical and related to realities. Thus it adopts the functionalist paradigm. According to Burrell and Morgan (1979:26) It is often problem-oriented approach, concerned to provide practical solutions to practical problems (Cited in Saunders et. al. 2007) This paradigm has two dimension as objectivism and regulation. Objectivism is one of the aspects of Ontology philosophy. But this research would rather proceed with Pragmatism approach, which means the research can follow the philosophy of epistemology as well as ontology. (Saunders et. al., 2007, pp. 101-113) Research Approach: The second layer of a research onion is research approach. This research would use an inductive approach for research which is much more appropriate for answering this sort of questions. Inductive approach gives the necessary flexibility for choosing the research methodology depending upon the research question. (Saunders et. al., 2007, pp. 119) Purpose: The purpose of this research is more of exploratory study and a bit of explanatory study. It would explain the constraints in entering Indian market and how other foreign investors have entered the market. Depending on that it would make an attempt to explore the policies PRIMARK should embrace to enter Indian market successfully. (Saunders et. al., 2007, pp. 133) Strategy: As Robson (2002:178) defines the case study research as a strategy for doing research which involves an empirical investigation of a particular contemporary phenomenon within its real life context using multiple sources of evidence. (Cited in Saunders et. al. 2007, p139) The case study research would be the strategy of choice for this research. DATA COLLECTION METHOD For the philosophy, approach and strategy opted for this dissertation the most suitable method of data collection would be the qualitative method. (Saunders et. al., 2007) The data would be collected by in-depth interview of the people form various sectors related to retail business. The main advantage of the method as stated by Burgess (1982:107) is, it is the opportunity for the researcher to probe deeply to uncover new clue, open up new dimensions of a problem and secure vivid, accurate inclusive accounts that are based on personal experience. (Cited by Smith et. al. 2008) The principle source would be the Management of PRIMARK. As the researcher is working with PRIMARK Hammersmith, London; Access to the Store Manager Mrs. Katarina Taggard has been negotiated. Though she has agreed to help with the dissertation, the permission from the Head Office, Reading, UK; is yet to receive. The another person to be interviewed is Mr. Ashdin Doctor, A Market Research Analyst, Retail Sector M umbai, India. The formal approval has been negotiated with him. The questionnaire would be sent to him through e-mail. The questionnaire would be sent to Eva George, China and India Business Development Officer, London and Anita Nandi, City Representative, Mumbai. (Leaflet, City Business Library) In a mean time other important retailers from India are being contacted for the same purpose. ANALYSIS AND PRETSENTATION OF DATA The data gathered from the qualitative method would be analysed by using the Grounded Analysis method of analysing qualitative data. The data would be read and understood well and then it would be linked with the theory or the secondary data. The whole data would be presented in the form of charts, tables and graphs following the critical analysis. SECONDARY DATA The information collected by some body else is regarded as secondary data. The proper utilisation of secondary data depends on analysing and interpreting skills of the researcher. (Smith et. al. 2008) The secondary data would be collected from the books and journal articles regarding the retail sector of India. The information about the country profile and statistics about India would be accessed from following official web sites, (Leaflet, City Business Library) CONCLUSION The dissertation aims to analyse the problems international retailer might encounter while entering the Indian market. Eventually it is expected to answer following things; Attractiveness and market growth of one of the segments of Indian market which is not yet entirely exploited. All available paths to enter India and the most suitable one for PRIMARK, e.g. Joint Venture. Choice of marketing policies to be employed. E.g. target group, state-wise choice of clothing, buying occasions and price range etc. Factors to be taken care of and hitches to be aware of while doing business in India. e.g. currency fluctuations, unstable areas, political will and taxation laws in different states etc. REFERENCE Atherton J (2008), Primark stops buying from child labour firms, METRO BUSINESS, METRO, London. June 17, 2008. p.49. Biyani K (2007), Retail Revolution Lure of huge consumer base, In Ram N. (eds.) (2007) THE HINDU SURVEY OF INDIAN INDUSTRY, Chennai: Kasturi Sons Ltd. pp. 285,286,291. Burgess R. G. (1982), Field Research: A Source Book and Field Manual. London: Allen and Unwin. Cited in, Smith M, Thorpe R and Jackson P (2008), Management Research, 3 Edition, London: SAGE Publication Ltd. Chapter 7, pp. 144 Leaflet, City Business Library (n.d.), I need information on India, City of London Libraries, London. Country profile 2007 India, (2007), Economist Intelligence Unit Limited, UK. P. 30, 44. Cox R and Brittain P (2004), Retailing An Introduction, 5th Edition, Great Britain: Pearson Education Limited. Chapter 1 and 5, pp. 1-7, 41-49. Department of Economic Affairs (2007), Foreign direct investment, Government of India. Cited in OECD Economic Surveys (October 2007), Reforming Indias product and service markets, OECD Economic Surveys India, Volume 2007/14, France: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. p. 111 Foreign Companies In India Yearbook 2007 (2007), Commercial Intelligence Service, a division of Business Monitor International, UK. Pp. 24, 34, 38, 51, 75, 88, 93. Kearney A. T. (2006), Emerging Market Priorities for Global Retailers, Global Retail Development Index, Cited on June 20, 2008, Available from McAllister D (2008), Primark set for European Expansion, Retail News, CITYA.M., London. 4 June 2008, p.9. McKinsey Global Institute Report (September 2001), Retail Sector, India: The growth Imperative, McKinsey Company. cited on June 14, 2008, Available from OECD Economic Surveys (October 2007), Reforming Indias product and service markets, OECD Economic Surveys India, Volume 2007/14, France: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. pp. 91-92 PRIMARK Background (online) Cited on June 14, 2008. Available from Ramamurthy K and Naikare A (2007), Analyzing the Indian Market, In Millar R (eds.) (2007) Global Market Briefings Doing Business with India, 2nd Edition, Great Britain: GMB Publishing ltd. P.71 Saunders M, Lewis P and Thornhill A (2007), Research Methods for Business Students, 4th Edition. Spain: Pearson Education Ltd. Chapter 4,5, pp. 100-145. Staff Induction Handbook PRIMARK. Pp. 4, 5. Economist Indian Retailing (2007), Gently does it (August 9, 2007) The Economist print edition. Cited on, on June 14, 2008, available from Titus and Co. Advocates (2007), Available Legal Structure, In Millar R (eds.) (2007) Global Market Briefings Doing Business with India, 2nd Edition, Great Britain: GMB Publishing ltd. Pp. 109-123. UWIC Business school (2006/07), MBA Individual Research Dissertation Handbook Academic Year 2006/07, 5th Revised edition, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff. Vedamani G (2007), Modern Retailing Comprehensive policy vital, In Ram N. (eds.) (2007) THE HINDU SURVEY OF INDIAN INDUSTRY, Chennai: Kasturi Sons Ltd. pp. 281-284. Mrs. Katarina Taggart, Store Manager, Hammersmith, PRIMARK. 1, Kings Mall, Kings Street, London. Post Code: W6 0PZ Mr. Ashdin Doctor, Mumbai, India. E-mail: [emailprotected] Anita Nandi, City Representative, City office in Mumbai. E-mail: [emailprotected] Eva George, China and India Business Development Officer, City of London, P.O. BOX 270, Guildhall, London. E-mail: [emailprotected] BIBLIOGRAPHY Kumar R and Sethi A (2005), Doing Business In India, USA: Palgrave Macmillan.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

My Papa’s Waltz - Thats not just coke in Dads glass Essays -- My Pap

My Papa’s Waltz - That's not just coke in Dad's glass Some define alcohol abuse as "the recurrent use of alcohol to the extent that repeated use results in an inability to fulfill normal role functions, or presents legal or social/interpersonal problems, or creates a hazard to self or others" (Suppes 339). While most people seem to drink in moderation, others have a hard time drinking responsibly. Sometimes alcohol abuse can lead to physical abuse, mental abuse, loss of a job, alcoholism, or the breaking down of relationships. In "My Papa's Waltz," we see the detrimental effects of alcohol on a father/son relationship. Papa does not abuse his son, however his repeated drinking creates a gap in their relationship. In "My Papa's Waltz," we see no evidence of any physical abuse. His son, at this age, adores him. Together they "romped until the pans / Slid from the kitchen shelf" (Roethke 5-6). The young boy does not want to let go of his father; he admits, "I hung on like death" (3). Then, he explains he still clings to his father's shirt even while...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Character Sketch of The Sniper :: Sniper

Character Sketch of The Sniper War. Death. Pain. Anger and remorse. None are pleasantries, but all are faced and handled every day. In Liam O'Flaherty's "The Sniper," all of these things are brought to an acute reality. To aid in his creation of such emotional conflict, O'Flaherty portrayed the sniper as a very controversial character. We can see this contrast in personality by looking at appearance, actions, and thoughts. "...the face of a student, thin and ascetic,...eyes had the cold gleam of the fanatic." And so the sniper is described in a physical sense. Upon looking at the meaning of the words, we find an unexpected conflict of definition. O'Flaherty writes that the sniper's face is "that of a student." We think young, and vibrant. However, to describe his meaning, he goes on to say that his face is both "thin and ascetic." Also, gaunt, and displaying self-discipline; both qualities carried more so in adults than students. Also, it is stated that the sniper had "the eyes of a man who is used to looking at death." One might imagine an older man, who has lived through many-a-war and seen lives lost. These three descriptions show that the sniper was older than his years in appearance, as well as emotionally. The snipers' actions also are cause to believe that he is more than meets the eye. In the story, the sniper considers lighting a cigarette. "It was dangerous...he decided to take the risk." One's knowledge that something is dangerous and then their persistence to carry out the action shows a true daredevil. A characteristic of the "student" in him mentioned earlier. Another, much different, action of the sniper's is the need to discover who he killed. After the remorse of the crime committed, the sniper proceeds to investigate his enemy's identity. "...felt a sudden curiosity as to the identity of the enemy sniper..." This shows that the sniper did, in fact, have a streak of humaneness and care in him. A very different mood from the daredevil. Lastly, the way the sniper thinks reveals much about his character. When he is considering means of escape, he comes up with a plan to trick the enemy sniper into believing he himself was dead.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Martial Arts Influence in Indonesia Essay

Martial arts in Indonesia all started when the Chinese raced Indonesians brought the Chinese martial arts to Indonesia allowing Indonesian martial arts to develop. The martial arts depicted in Kho Ping Hoo and the movie ‘Merantau’ both have similarities and differences. Kho Ping Hoo was a famous Indonesian martial art author with Chinese ethnicity who wrote stories about martial art. Kho Ping Hoo was inspired from Hongkong and Taiwanese films. Kho Ping Hoo wrote books illegally since during that era, anything that was Chinese related was banned including the language. The type of martial art Kho Ping Hoo wrote was KungFu. KungFu is a martial art of self-defense. Kungfu is a martial art where the aim is to attack the pressure points and any other weak spots. Kungfu uses both hand and foot techniques. The kunfu techniques could also be applied on bamboo sticks, nun chucks, swords, spears and many other weapons; Kungfu techniques could pretty much be applied in anything realistic as a weapon. Kungfu is one of the most popular and oldest well known martial arts. Kho Ping Hoo mentioned that Kungfu is a martial art of internal energy. The movie ‘Merantau’ is an Indonesian martial art based movie, mainly silak minang. ‘Merantau’ means to seek for an opportunity in a new place. Silak minang is a type of Indonesian martial art, pencak silat. The specific type of martial art used in the movie was silat harimau. This martial art concentrates on the movement of a tiger. Silat harimau is a martial art which can be fought with both legs and arms. Silat harimau has a specific weapon used called the ‘kuku harimau’ which has a concaved shape. This weapon is used as an extension nail whereas can give severe damage. The Silak minang is mainly used for self defense. There are many similarities and differences between the martial arts in the movie ‘Merantau’ and the martial mentioned in Kho Ping Hoo’s book. A difference is that Kho Ping Hoo didn’t mention any specific weapon used in Kungfu apart from a bamboo stick. However, in the movie ‘Merantau’ the people that demonstrate the martial art of silek minang uses a weapon called ‘kuku harimau.’ A similarity is that both silek minang and kungfu is used as a purpose of self – defense. However Silek minang could also be performed in a ceremony or a festival. In conclusion, the martial arts depicted in Kho Ping Hoo and the movie ‘Merantau’ both have similarities and differences. Even though both these martial arts come from different places, they are both used as a purpose of self – defense.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Price Hike in Bangladesh

ABOUT RECENT PRICE HIKE IN Bangladesh| March 4 2010 | Prepared For-Kaikobad Rana Sir| Submitted By-Overcome Group| Group Members Of Overcome- * Group Leader- MD Sazzadur Rahman Chowdhury ID-082011013, Sec-A, 3rd Semester * Administrator- Riad Morshed Chowdhury ID-082011012, Sec-A, 3rd Semester * Researcher- A. F. M Maruf Rahman ID-082011035, Sec-A, 3rd Semester * Members- MD Rafiqul Islam ID-082011022, Sec-A, 3rd Semester Atiqur Rahman ID-082011017, Sec-A, 3rd Semester Mostafizur Rahman ID-082011282, Sec-A, 3rd Semester Rashedul Hasan ID-082011008, Sec-A, 3rd SemesterNishat Ahmed ID-082011009, Sec-A, 3rd Semester Lubna Ahmed Luna ID-082011040, Sec-A, 3rd Semester 4th March, 2010 Kaikobad Rana Lecturer Department of Fashion Design Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology Lalmatia, Dhaka. Subject: Submission of Term Paper. Sir, As the course requirement of DES-102, we were assigned to do a job regarding the topic of Price Hike. We have provided our best effort to complete our ta sks according to the requirements. We tried to complete our tasks by doing different research works and from our limited knowledge.It is a matter of great pleasure for us to present the report on time. We will very glad if the report can fulfill its purpose. Thank you, Sincerely yours MD Sazzadur Rahman Chowdhury Riad Morshed Chowdhury A. F. M Maruf Rahman MD Rafiqul Islam Atiqur Rahman Mostafizur Rahman Rashedul Hasan Nishat Ahmed Lubna Ahmed Luna ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First we want to thanks our faculty who give me this opportunity to do this research. Who helped and guided me to do this research accurately. Secondly we want to thanks Kaikobad Rana Sir for his uncondetional support.I also want to thanks all the people who participate in our survey. And my entire friend circle. And last but not lest my God. Thank you. ABSTRACT THE MAIN REASONS AND PUBLIC’S REACTION ABOUT RECENT PRICE HIKE IN Bangladesh We choose this topic â€Å"THE MAIN REASONS AND PUBLIC’S REACTION ABOUT RECENT PRICE HIKE IN Bangladesh† because recently the price hiking problem has become the main social problem in Bangladesh. People are suffering most in this problem now specially the poor people. There are many reasons behind this problem. But we think formation of syndicate and corruption is the main reason behind this. But international market price, fuel cost, power crisis, natural disaster, transportation problem, illegal toll collection, action against corruption by the caretaker Government, street vendors and illegal construction drive by the joint forces, lack of communication and co-ordination in between different Government officers etc are also responsible for recent price hike in Bangladesh. And the rate of this price hike is very fast.Even the military back Government was failed to solve this problem. They were not able to find the root behind this problem due to lack of appropriate monitoring system. But just the Government can solve this problem by using his i ntelligence agency, by introducing effective monitoring system, by improving law & order and by identifying the evil syndicate groups. But it is not a very easy job. The support of general public is also needed to solve this problem. FINDING The main reasons behind this problem: The prices of commodities are almost uniform across the capital, which only implies that a group of people are fixing the prices and that they have enough clout in the market to be able to decide what the prices should be. * Corruption of so called political leaders, corruption of different Government officials and law enforcing agency is the main reason behind this problem. We can solve this problem by taking the following measures. * Identify the syndicate groups. * By improving law and order. * By framing appropriate laws by the Government to eliminate middle classes in trading. By introducing effective monitoring system. TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE| PAGE NUMBER| | | INTRODUCTION| 6| RESEARCH AREA| 7| HYPO THESIS| 13| METHODOLOGY| 14| DATA PRESENTATION| 15| DATA ANALYSIS| 16| LIMITATION| 28| CONCLUSION| 29| RECOMMENDATION| 30| PUBLIC’S RECOMMENDATION| 31| REFERENCE LIST| 32| INTRODUCTION With the price increase of essentials capturing headlines of our national newspapers and TVs almost everyday. Because this price hiking problem has become the main social problem in Bangladesh.People are suffering most in this problem specially the poor peoples. There are many reasons behind this problem. According to The finance Minister Abul Mal Abdul Al-Muhit, â€Å"international price hike of essential necessities as being responsible for high domestic prices. † Of course, international market price is also responsible for domestic inflation, but only partially. The ministers’s statement simply ignored other domestic factors, many of which created by the action by the Government, and also some of which created by the previous government.According to our study we identify some supply-side factors as being responsible, such as hoarding, and loss of business confidence, administered energy price hike, international price hike of essential commodities, bribe and illegal toll collection, structural and institutional constraints etc. corruption of so called political leaders and different government officials etc are also responsible for this problem. And if the food price is not controlled, the inflation rate may reach double-digit level very soon which is currently 7. 5%. In our research paper we tried to figure out these reasons.And we tried to find some solution about this problem. we also tried to figure out the bad effects of this problem. we hope by reading this paper the readers will able to figure out the main reasons behind this problem and also able to reduce or solve this problem. RESEARCH AREA In our proposal paper our had mentioned some question at which point we did like to investigate to prove our hypothesis. Our question were > What is the main reason behind this recent price hike in Bangladesh? > Is corruption and local syndicate only responsible about this price hike? gt; What should be the role of government to reduce this price hike? > How can we solve it? Obviously formation of syndicate and hoarding by them, corruption, power failure, traffic fames and load-shading, international price hike of essential commodities, bribe and illegal toll collection, structural and institutional constraints etc. according to Ahmed. T. (2009), the oil crisis of 1973, when oil prices increased in exponential proportions, was not so much due to shortage of oil supply as it was due to the decision of the major oil exporters, Arab states, to increase the prices.It was not that oil reserves had suddenly sunk through the floor or that its demand had shot through the ceiling. In strictly economic terms, a handful of oil exporters were in collusion, which led to dramatic increases in global oil prices. The entire western world was affected and the sudden price hike resulted in a long-term recession ending decades of economic boom. It was also the first time that the United States faced an oil shortage since the Second World War. The Arab states had succeeded in their intent to use oil as a weapon against those not friendly to their cause. It is perhaps a classic example of collusive oligopoly.The situation in the current-day Dhaka markets is similar except that the collusion does not concern one item but several ~ mostly such essential food items as rice, wheat, potatoes, lentils, edible oil, onions and milk powder. According to a report in Amar Desh (May 11, 2009), prices of essential food items have increased 25 per cent on an average in the past four months. According to a report in New Age (May 11, 2009), prices rose between five and 50 per cent during the same period ~ most of it under the military-backed interim government of Fakhruddin Ahmed that assumed office after the proclamation of a state of emer gency on January 11.According to the government’s own statistics, inflation increased from just fewer than six per cent in January this year to almost 7. 5 per cent by March. While the government appears to be in denial suggesting that inflation is not really out of control and quite below the danger level, experts fear that it might, in fact, have crossed the double-digit mark driven by the soaring food prices. According to SLATE magazine (2009), about our very own mafia groups that group has come to be known, and often referred to in the media, as the syndicate.Despite the fact that academics, researchers and even politicians have acknowledged such collusion, its existence is denied upfront, both by government officials and businesspeople, in a manner that can be likened to that regarding the mafia. For the longest time, the existence of the mafia, or rather Cosa Nostra, was denied by insiders as well as government officials till misconceptions and myths were laid to rest b y, what came to be known as, the Maxi Trial in a court in Sicily over a hundred years after its existence was officially reported.As for the syndicate, it has proved to be invincible and even immune to a state of emergency, which has not been able to curb It’s potential for collusion and thereby manipulation of the prices. The tenure of the BNP-Jamaat alliance government saw two changes of commerce ministers, each given the sack for the same reason, while the last one had utterly failed in his pledge to rein in the prices of essentials. The invincibility of the syndicate was perhaps never felt with such force as it was on July 25, 2006 at a monthly luncheon meeting of the American Chamber of Commerce in Bangladesh.The third commerce minister of the last government, Hafiz Uddin Ahmed, squarely put the responsibility of controlling the prices of essentials on other ministries and went so far as to suggest that the government should set up another ministry for the Task. „T he Consumer Protection Act is being scrutinized now and I have urged the food ministry to make anti-hoarding laws for checking unscrupulous trader’s syndicates and hoarders,†he said.He also suggested that the finance and food Ministries were better equipped to tackle the matter. It was just three months after Hafiz had taken up his new portfolio on April 26 with the pledge to reduce prices of essentials within a month. Barely a week earlier, at a meeting with businesspeople at his office, he assumed a dramatically different tone and harped on a different note, although, even then, it was obvious that his success in bringing down the prices of essentials was at the mercy of the businesspeople.On July 19, Hafiz announced to the press ~ following the meeting ~ that the intelligence agencies had identified the members of the syndicate „who were involved in manipulating prices through hoarding and other means. But he only â€Å"hoped that the relevant ministry would t ake Necessary action. His comments about the meeting betrayed his helplessness and utter Inability to hold sway over the businessmen. „They have given us assurance that they will not make any windfall profit by making the people hostage, said Hafiz about the traders present at the meeting.With hindsight it appears that the minister did his best to divert attention from the syndicates citing a marked difference of prices between wholesalers and retailers, and the producers and wholesalers that he suggested added to the woes of the people. M Saifur Rahman, then the minister for finance and planning, and perhaps the most influential cabinet member of the BNP-led government, when approached with the possibility of reducing import tariffs on essential food items, told the press, it never paid off. He said the prices would decrease for a short while but resume their rising trend soon after.Instead, he suggested, the syndicates that manipulated the prices were the main reason behind the price hike and had to be dealt with decisively. But government officials deny their existence quite categorically despite overwhelming circumstantial facts that testify exactly the opposite. The commerce secretary was quoted in January as saying they are „yet to receive any conclusive evidence on the existence of syndicates?. He went further to substantiate his claim asking, „When the prices went up everyone was blaming syndicates.But now that they are going down how come everybody is quiet? If there was a syndicate why are the prices coming down? He did partially admit to their existence since former ministers had claimed that syndicates exist. But the rebuff of a prominent businessman, quoted in New Age’s weekend supplement Xtra on January 12, smacks of the classic mafia disclaimer. â€Å"I read about this regularly in newspapers but I have never seen one or been a part of it,† says Mostafa Kamal, chairman of the Meghna Group, one of the leading impor ters of edible oil, powderedMilk and sugar. â€Å"How, where and when are questions people who accuse us of syndication should answer,† he said. It is alleged that the Meghna Group is among the leading syndicate members in the country. Hossain. E. (2009), programmed officer of the Consumers Association of Bangladesh, echoed the general apprehension. â€Å"I have attended meetings at the commerce ministry where powerful and well-known businessmen have directly threatened government officials with cutting out supply if they did not accept their chosen prices,† he told Xtra.According to the Daily Star (May 18 2009), a report of the Centre for Policy Dialogue, a research organization, based on records of the National Board of Revenue, found that a strong cartel accounted for a substantial share of the imports. The report says the top five importers have accounted for importing 96 per cent raw sugar, 46 per cent refined sugar, 67 per cent crude soybean oil, 60 per cent crud e palm oil, 49 per cent wheat, 37 per cent rice, 31 per cent lentil, and 31 per cent onion of national imports till March of this fiscal year.While the report did not mention any names, a number of reports in other newspapers have done so. For instance, according to a report of Amar Desh (May 11, 2009) the TK Group, the Meghna Group and the City Group account for 65 per cent of edible oil imports. The next three ~ the SA Group, the MEB Group and the Marine Group ~ account for another 25 per cent of the imports. Quoting sources, the report says traders of Dhaka and Chittagong are the major importers of lentils, ginger, garlic and other essentials that come from India.It goes on to mention the names of Shathi Enterprise, Seven Star and Banijjya Bhandar from Dhaka, Rumpa Enterprise of Bogura, Pahari Enterprise, AB Trading and Akhter Impex of Chittagong as significant market players. When the country is badly shaken by the unprecedented floods there is another alarming factor—the price hike of essentials that is slowly but very steadily engulfing the rural life of the common people. It is appalling that one kg of green chili costs you TK 200! There are no vegetables that cost you less than TK 30 per kg! It also creates shortage of foods. That also increases the price of essentials.Similarly other factors such as power failure, international market price, fuel cost, power crisis, natural disaster, transportation problem, illegal toll collection, action against corruption by the caretaker Government, street vendors and illegal construction drive by the joint forces, lack of communication and co-ordination in between different Government officers etc factors are also responsible for recent price hike in Bangladesh. By taking serious action and frame effective laws for the elimination of the middle men groups existing various trading circles and to control bribery in between law enforcing agencies and traders.By minimize the traffic jams and load shadings. By f orming a strong co-ordination efforts and monitoring system, established for the cooperation, co-ordination and exchange of information in between different Government officials entrusted to check price level. By identifying syndicate groups and taking appropriate action against them. The Government can control the price. By creating awareness against corruption and establish a price list for all kinds of goods to control price hike. And by electing an honest and stable Government, the general people can solve this problem.HYPOTHESIS There are many reasons behind this recent price hike in Bangladesh. But we think formation of syndicate and corruption is the main reason behind this. But international market price, fuel cost, power crisis, natural disaster, transportation problem, illegal toll collection, action against corruption by the caretaker Government, street vendors and illegal construction drive by the joint forces, lack of communication and co-ordination in between different Government officers etc are also responsible for recent price hike in Bangladesh.And the rate of this price hike is very fast. Even the military back Government was failed to solve this problem. They were not able to find the root behind this problem due to lack of appropriate monitoring system. But just the Government can solve this problem by using his intelligence agency, by introducing effective monitoring system, by improving law & order and by identifying the evil syndicate groups. But it is not a very easy job. The support of general public is also needed to solve this problem. METHODOLOGY There are two types of data in my research paper. . Primary Data. & 2. Secondary Data Primary Data:- We have collected my primary data to figure out the mail reasons and public’s reaction about recent price hike in Bangladesh by conducting a survey on 30 general people. To do that survey first we had prepared some questions and some suitable answer against each question. Aft er that we went out for general people to conduct our survey. The shopkeepers, doctors, teachers, tailors, chemists, retired peoples, servants, housewives and students were the people who were participate in our survey.We have had some difficulties to conduct our survey. We had very little time to conduct this survey. Within this short period of time we had to find 30 peoples of different classes. People of all class were participating in our survey. Some of them did not know hoe to write and read. We had to read and translated my question for them. After knowing there answers we filled the answers for them. Thus we completed our survey to get our primary data. Secondary Data:- We have collected my secondary data mostly from different websites such as â€Å"www. vjel. org, www. unnayan. rg† etc, different newspaper such as â€Å"The daily star, The New Age† etc, and from different magazines. DATA PRESENTATION CAPTION: A survey has been taken of 30 people for the topic of â€Å"The main reasons and public’s reaction about recent price hike in Bangladesh. Question No. | Option A| Option B| Option C| Option D| 1| 63%| 40%| 0%| 6. 67%| 2| 48. 67%| 23. 33%| 20%| *| 3| 83. 33%| 3. 33%| 13. 33%| *| 4| 43. 33%| 43. 33%| 13. 33%| *| 5| 20%| 63. 33%| 16. 67%| *| 6| 30%| 30%| 46. 67%| *| 7| 53%| 16. 67%| 10%| *| 8| 3. 33%| 16. 67%| 46. 67%| 26. 67%| 9| 13. 33%| 26. 67%| 50%| *| 10| 36. 7%| 30%| 26. 67%| *| 11| 53%| 10%| 26. 67%| *| 12| 66. 67%| 20%| 3. 33%| *| 13| 46. 67%| 10%| 33. 33%| 16. 67%| 14| 10%| 53%| 0%| 46. 67%| 15| 36. 67%| 46. 67%| 23. 33%| *| TABLE: THE SURVEY RESULT DATA ANALYSIS Recently we have done a survey for about 30 people to find the main reasons behind this recent price hike in Bangladesh. For this survey we prepared a set of question consisting of 16 questions. According to Our survey here we analysis some of the important questions from my questioner. Question No: 1| A| B| C| D| What do you think aboutthe main reason behindt his recent price hike? Formation of Syndicates| Corruption| Extortion| Taking bribe from traders| Chart 1: The survey result of question no: 1 Question No: 2| A| B| C| Do you thinkthereis any Syndicate groupsinvolved in price hike? | Yes, because the governmentCan’t control the price. | No, there is no syndicate groups exist| May be, not sure| Chart 2: The survey result of question no: 2 According to my survey, in reply of my first question 63% people said formation of Syndicates is the main reason behind this recent price hike. While 40% people said corruption is the main reason behind this.In reply of my second question 83. 33% people said syndicate groups are involved in price hike because the government can? t control the price. In my survey most of the people think the syndicate groups are mainly responsible for this problem. These syndicate groups controlling the price by hoarding. Hoarding by businesses has been widely blamed by many as being main culprit behind the cu rrent crisis. Indeed, if we let aside moral issues, hoarding markets perfect economic sense to businesses and that is why they build up stocks to make larger profits.For example suppose the current market price of a NOKIA 1202 mobile phone is TK 1800. Now let us assume that for some unknown reasons, the price of the same brand mobile is expected or any mobile phone dealer in the market sell NOKIA 1202 at the lower price now or wait to sell at the higher price a month later? What would happen to the current market price of NOKIA 1202, if most dealers hold off selling? This is exactly how inflationary expectation, expectation about future price hike, leads to hoarding, creates shortage, raises current market price and, finally, brings larger profits for businesses. From the above analysis we conclude that the syndicate groups are nothing but a well-known business farms, run by well-known business man. But the syndicates, for all their collusion, manipulation and public denial, are not entirely responsible for the price hike. There are other related factors some of which are compelling, even more than syndication. To begin with, production costs have risen and So have the prices. But it gives an impression that the farmers are linked to the market and thereby benefit from the price rises at the consumer end. That is hardly the case.They are paid the bare minimum below which the farmers cannot afford to cultivate crops the next year. And prices at their end have increased only marginally over the years. The real value addition (pun intended) to agricultural produce begins with the middlemen who buy from farmers. Along the supply chain there are warehouses, wholesalers, retailers and micro-retailers often with several more layers of middlemen sandwiched among them. Reports in the media indicate that prices, especially those of vegetables, appreciate by up to 500 per cent between the farmer and the end-consumer.That is how the middleman also controlling the market p rice. And the Government is not able to identify them, catch them, and even control them. Even the Government has blamed international market price hike of essential commodities as being responsible for high domestic prices to cover their failure. The Government has failed to solve this problem due to the corrupted Government officers and corrupted law enforcing agencies. They are not willing to monitor the market price. They are just willing to take bribe.Again lack of communication and co-ordination in between different Government officers and lack of communication system in between different Upozela and districts head quarters with the capital is also responsible for this recent price hike. Question No: 3| A| B| C| Which political factors are responsible for price hike? | Blockade and strike| Corruption of so called political leaders| Conflict between political parties| Chart 3: The survey result of question no: 3 According to my survey, in reply of my third question, 63. 33% of people said corruption of so called political leaders is the main political factor behind this price hike.And only A B 20% of people said blockade and strike is responsible for this. Political leaders are not actually political leaders. Actually they are political business man. They invest there money to own the party nomination and also own the election. Actually they bought there place in Parliament. After wining the election they start to gain black money as much as they can. And they gain it by corruption. And that’s why the price of essential commodities is increasing day by day. This political don’t care about the general people, they just care about themselves. Even they don’t know how uch black money they have gained by corruption. The current anti-corruption drive by the Caretaker Government clearly shows the statistic how much black money they have gained through corruption. That’s why the corruption of so called political leaders also responsib le for recent price hikes. Question No: 4| A| B| C| D| What| Bribe & illegal| Traffic| Power failures| Lackof| structural&institutional constraints are mainlyresponsible for thisrecent price hike? | toll collection| congestion| | storage capacity| Chart 4: The survey result of question no: 4According to my survey, in reply of my forth question 46. 67% people said bribe and illegal toll collection is the main structural & institutional constraints that are mainly responsible for this recent price hike. And 33. 33% people said power failure is also responsible for this problem. But I think this both factors are equally responsible for this problem The illegal practices of bribes toll collections and associations greatly influence in raising the price of essential commodities. The traders has to paid toll and bribe at each entering point of a town.And this increases the transportation cost of goods. As a result the price is increases. And the Government has failed to stop t his because of the involvement of corrupted law enforcing officers. While the Scarcity increases the opportunity cost of any service and provides opportunities for corruption. The acute shortage of generation capacity and its consequent effects – frequent load-shedding, low voltage and low frequency – on different economic sectors, as well as on essential services such as water supply, hospitals, and telecommunications, have opened up doors for many types of corruption.That is also responsible for this recent price hike. Why that is happening? Because of the corruption of the employee of DESA and PDB. According to the Transparency International Bangladesh (2006), ? A Ledger Keeper in DESA, a very low level employee, became the envy of many when he purchased a house in a middle-income residential area of Dhaka for Tk 3. 8 million and an allotment in a shopping arcade. ? Many Assistant Engineers of BPDB own private cars, which they cannot afford to buy and maintain on th eir official salary. A particular Assistant Engineer, with close links with the Collective Bargaining Agent, comes to office in a luxury four-wheeler, while another mints money by making various interventions in the name of a minister. ? A meter reader who was placed under suspension joined the ruling political party, got his job bank, became a CBA leader, and is now the happy owner of two houses and a shop. ? A corrupt and overweight meter reader, who employed agents to do his job and concentrated on eating instead, was transferred from Dhaka to an outstation by an over-zealous DESA officer.Fretting and fuming, the reader came to see a very senior DESA official and told him in no uncertain terms, â€Å"Sir, I have been working for 25 years in one place and nobody dared to touch me. You have not done well by transferring me. I will see how you can move me. † Sure enough, he stayed where he was, with the help of his co-operative union leaders. And due to this corruption load s hading occurs frequently, as a result the price of essential goods is increasing rapidly. Question No: 5| A| B| C| Do you think natural disaster, street vendors and illegal construction drive by the joint forces are also responsible for recent price hike? Yes| No| Partly responsible| | | | | | | 4 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | 30 30| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Chart 5: The survey result of question no: 5 According to our survey, in reply of our fifth question 46. 67% people said natural disaster; street vendors and illegal construction drive by the joint forces are partly responsible for recent price hike. And equal number of people said yes and no. But we think it is responsible and why? You will find your answer right now.When the country is badly shaken by the unprecedented floods there is another alarming factor the price hike of essentials that is slowly but very steadily engulfing the rural life of the common people. It is appalling that one kg of green chili costs you TK 200! There are no vegetables that cost you less than TK 30 per kg! It also creates shortage of foods. That also increases the price of essentials. And that’s why we think natural disaster is directly responsible for price hike, but the others are partly responsible. Question No: 6| A| B| C| D|How can the| By taking| Identifying the| By improving| By improving| Government| necessary steps| syndicate| traffic| law & order| control the price hike? | to stop cross border smuggling of fuel and fertilizer| groups| congestion| | Chart 6: The survey result of question no: 6 According to our survey, most of the people said we can able to control the price by identifying the syndicate groups and by improving law & order. If the government framed strong laws to improve the law and order we can able to identify the syndicate groups and also able to control the price of essential goods.To 4. 67 Improve this situation the persona ls of different law enforcing agencies should immediately be deployed in different trading centers, sea port, river ports, and land ports to check up and down of price level due to hoarding black marketing of essential food grains and other food items. Thus we can improve the current situation. Question No: 7| A| B| C| Which methods can be most applicable toreduce or improve this problem? | By framing appropriate law by the Government to eliminate middle classes in trading. | By introducing effectivemonitoring system. By re-introducing old rationingsystem by the Government to stable the prices| Chart 7: The survey result of question no: 7 According to our survey, in reply of my seventh question 46. 67% people said by introducing effective monitoring system we can able to reduce this problem. And 36. 67% people said we can solve this problem by framing appropriate law to eliminate middle classes in trading. We are passing through a revolutionary communication and contract system due to the introduction of most modern computer and mobile communication system in our country.It is now very easy for the Government to established scientific monitoring systems and cells to keep constant observation data collection and exchange of information? s about the causes up and down, price level of important food items and essential commodities. According to our survey most of the people said the rate of price hike is quite fast. And the general public’s can help the Government to remove this problem. Most of the people in Bangladesh can afford to meet their family essential commodities, but they said it was very tough.Surprisingly the upper class people are also by price hike. Most of the people agree to that if laws and regulation enforced properly, it is practically possible to reduce this price hike. And the general peoples can also play a big role to solve this problem. LIMITATION We had very little time to do that survey. If we had enough time we may go out of Dha ka to find the poorest people. We want to take the interview of the poorest people. We had also faced lots of obstacles, but after all of these obstacles finally We finished our research paper and we are quite satisfied about it.CONCLUSION Given the scenario in Bangladesh, any measure to control prices, barring one that addresses the syndicates, is bound to be band-aid-like ~ a bit of eyewash. That is perhaps the first area where the government should focus in its bid to reduce the prices of essential items. But it is not possible for the Government to reduce this problem alone. The general people, the mass media everybody should came forward to help the Government to reduce this problem. Other wise the price of essential commodities will increase day by day. And nobody will able to control this problem.